Tips For Social Media: Make Each Post Standout

5 ways to increase engagement on your social media posts.

September 16, 2022

Every post on social media can have an incredible impact. It's not simply luck that determines which posts will flop or which will generate a lot of interest. There are proven tactics that increase engagement and help you stay relevant to your followers.

Are your social media posts about DonorSee following best practices?

This is a brief how to guide for sharing posts about DonorSee on Facebook. A number of the principles apply to other social platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn. If you have any direct questions about how to share on a particular platform, your DonorSee Partner Coordinator would gladly give you some coaching.

1. Share the actual project video

Posts with embedded videos get the most attention and exposure. Social media algorithms prioritize user generated content (like your DonorSee video). Embedded videos "auto play," which means they are dynamic and capture the eye of someone scrolling through their feed.

This is the single most impactful way to share on Facebook. Our society is increasingly video based (vs text or image based) and DonorSee project videos are designed to be watched.

Not sure how to upload the video? Here is a simple 4 step guide.

2. Share openly - even about heavy topics

David does a great job giving his Facebook Followers insights into the struggles and joys of his work. It's important to include videos like the one below where he's celebrating the progress they've been able to make.


If you'd been someone who'd donated to When The Saints, this video would encourage you and inspire you!

3. Don't be afraid to make a direct ask

David isn't afraid to be very direct in asking for help. He's built up a community of people who care for him and believe in his work. But, if he never actually says what he's looking for, how would they know what he needs?

He takes the time to explain context and the DonorSee project mentions that they've been able to help 77 girls.

4. Share in context

If you simply post project video after project video, you risk exhausting your friends. David does a good job of posting every day things that go on in his life. It gives a beautiful window into his personality and the things that he encounters daily that might astonish donors.

What does your life look like apart from your work with DonorSee? What are other things you care about? Are you letting people know the real you?

5. Don't be afraid to experiment

David was running out of projects that needed funding so he decided to support some of the hard working people who work behind the scenes at When The Saints with a surprise!

There are so many things you can play around with!

  • Time of day - when do you post?
  • Type of post - Would you ever post a gallery of happy recipients? How about a long quote from a recent person you helped?
  • Type of story - Do you hesitate to share something that's serious or heavy? Only ever share individual stories? How about something about your personal background that new followers might not know?
  • How you frame the story - is this an insight into an ongoing need, an exciting new opportunity, or the chance to help empower someone?
  • Show some "behind the scenes" of a recent project. Or bloopers that show something funny or relatable. What haven't you tried?

There are so many ways to increase engagement on your social media posts. If you ever find yourself running out of options, just reach out to your Partner Coordinator. We will help you troubleshoot or brainstorm some creative ways to share the great work you are doing.