Emily Williams- Partner Spotlight

Est. Reading Time: 3 Minutes

January 14, 2022

In this weeks ‘Partner Spotlight’ we meet Emily Williams who works with Sixty Feet in Uganda. In this blog you will hear about the amazing work she does for vulnerable children and her team’s desires for next year.

Tell us about the work that Sixty Feet does.

Sixty Feet works with imprisoned children in Uganda. We meet their immediate needs and support their long-term restoration. We meet the most vulnerable children who are in facilities without family, school, or productive activities. We provide them with medical care, clothing, food, soap, and many other essential needs. Our staff hold worship services and Bible studies for the children. And through social work, they try to reunite the children to their families. We also sponsor children in traditional and vocational schooling.

Tell us a little about you. What inspired you personally to get involved with this work?

I actually went on a mission trip to Uganda and visited one of the facilities where Sixty Feet works. My time working with Sixty Feet was so impactful, that I returned to serve with them 2 years after the mission trip. I couldn’t see the needs and not help!

Tell us about one amazing project you fundraised for on DonorSee this year.

Gosh, I could tell about so many different projects! DonorSee has allowed us to meet needs that we would never have imagined meeting. These are dreams that the government staff has for their facility and the children, but that go beyond our typical budget. With DonorSee, we really have been able to meet so many incredible needs! Some of my favorites have been projects that have allowed us to love these children lavishly. We got to provide every child with a new shirt and set of shorts! Often, these children have one set of clothes. When they wash them, they wear a blanket or sheet until their clothes are dry. Giving them a new set of clothes is something many of them have never had! Then, we also got to provide a facility with tables and chairs. Imagine sitting on the floor each day, and then one day, getting to eat at a table. It seems like a small thing, but the project allowed us to restore dignity to these children! I also loved how DonorSee helped us serve children during the COVID lockdown. From providing a home for children with special needs, to craft supplies and soccer equipment for entertainment, these needs have been such a blessing to the children! I could keep going on all the countless projects! We are beyond thankful for DonorSee!

Emily’s team member providing bedding to a child that the DonorSee community helped.

What are your hopes and dreams for next year?

We want to expand and formalize our family reunification program and provide on-site vocational training to the children in prison! We would LOVE to expand to 1 or 2 more facilities that serve this same population, just in remote areas as well!

Do you have a message for the DonorSee community?

We have been blown away by the support from the DonorSee community! We are so grateful for the way people are seeing and responding to the needs of imprisoned children in Uganda.